tune|tunes in English


[tuːn /tju-]

melody; state of having the correct musical pitch; harmony; proper adjustment

Use "tune|tunes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tune|tunes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tune|tunes", or refer to the context using the word "tune|tunes" in the English Dictionary.

1. The lark tunes his songs.

2. Your tunes have become rather dull.

3. ‘A song with a Catchy tune and outstanding lyrics might do a lot to fill the cinema theatres.’ ‘However, every track is a gem of poetry and the tunes are disarmingly Catchy.’ ‘It is a very Catchy tune and is getting a lot of airplay on the local radio stations.’

4. Each barrel usually carried several different tunes.

5. Both tunes are undeniably simple and repetitious.

6. The original tune?

7. 'You mocking birds, ' quoth she, your tunes entomb.

8. The tunes are Boundingly Irish and densely Slavic

9. He used to tunes Bewhistle tter than anyone know

10. He has written a batch of very samey tunes.

11. Oh, this old tune.

12. Same way, different tune.

13. What a delightful tune.

14. Brat TV is where the next generation tunes in

15. Looney Tunes skunk Pepe Le Pew is bid Adieu

16. Can you hear the tune?

17. Can you sing this tune?

18. They sang perfectly in tune.

19. 9 Catchy tunes, though, and everyone had a singalong.

20. He tapped his feet, hummed tunes and jiggled about.

21. Standout tunes include well, pretty much the whole album.

22. Please tune in next time.

23. She sings a loud tune.

24. Slow Acoustic Jam- Bluegrassy type fiddle tunes & songs

25. Looney tunes and shit, glass all stuck in his fuckin'neck.